GraphQL and TypeScript
About me
- Yosuke Kurami (@Quramy)
- β€οΈ TypeScript
- Front-end tech adviser at FiNC
- GraphQL introduction
- TypeScript + GraphQL client dev tips:
- Type generation
- Ahead of time query parsing
- Editor support
What's GraphQL ?
GraphQL is a query language for API
- Describe whatβs possible with a type system (schema)
- Ask for what you need, get exactly that
- Get many resources in a single request
Query example (GitHub v4 API)
query MyQuery {
viewer {
repositories(first: 3, orderBy: { field: STARGAZERS, direction: DESC }) {
nodes {
languages(first: 1) {
nodes {
Query result
"data": {
"viewer": {
"repositories": {
"nodes": [
"url": "",
"name": "tsuquyomi",
"description": "A Vim plugin for TypeScript",
"languages": {
"nodes": [
"name": "Shell"
"url": "",
"name": "lerna-yarn-workspaces-example",
"description": "How to build TypeScript mono-repo project with yarn and lerna",
"languages": {
"nodes": [
"name": "TypeScript"
"url": "",
"name": "typed-css-modules",
"description": "Creates .d.ts files from css-modules .css files",
"languages": {
"nodes": [
"name": "JavaScript"
JavaScript client libs
- Apollo (powered by Meteor)
- Relay (powered by Facebook)
const clinet = new ApolloClient({
link: createHttpLink({
uri: "",
headers: {
Authorization: "bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
const MY_QUERY = gql`query MyQurey { viewer { #... } }`;
const { data } = await clinet.query({
query: MY_QUERY,
1. What's type of query result ? π€
Generate TypeScript types from GraphQL queries
i. Write queries
import gql from "graphql-tag";
export const MY_QUERY = gql`
query MyQuery {
viewer {
repositories(first: 3, orderBy: { field: STARGAZERS, direction: DESC }) {
nodes {
languages(first: 1) {
nodes {
ii. Run codegen command
$ npx apollo client:codegen --target typescript
and get generated types
/* tslint:disable */
// This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
// ====================================================
// GraphQL query operation: MyQuery
// ====================================================
export interface MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes_languages_nodes {
__typename: "Language";
* The name of the current language.
name: string;
export interface MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes_languages {
__typename: "LanguageConnection";
* A list of nodes.
nodes: (MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes_languages_nodes | null)[] | null;
export interface MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes {
__typename: "Repository";
* The HTTP URL for this repository
url: any;
* The name of the repository.
name: string;
* The description of the repository.
description: string | null;
* A list containing a breakdown of the language composition of the repository.
languages: MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes_languages | null;
export interface MyQuery_viewer_repositories {
__typename: "RepositoryConnection";
* A list of nodes.
nodes: (MyQuery_viewer_repositories_nodes | null)[] | null;
export interface MyQuery_viewer {
__typename: "User";
* A list of repositories that the user owns.
repositories: MyQuery_viewer_repositories;
export interface MyQuery {
* The currently authenticated user.
viewer: MyQuery_viewer;
iii. Use generated types
import { MY_QUERY } from "./query";
import { MyQuery } from "./__generated__/MyQuery";
// ...
// Use generated types as type parameter
const { data } = await clinet.query<MyQuery>({
query: MY_QUERY,
2. Ahead of time parsing
What does gql
do ?
import gql from "graphql-tag";
const MY_QUERY = gql`
query {
It parses query to GraphQL AST at runtime
// parsed GraphQL AST
const MY_QUERY = {
"kind": "Document",
"definitions": [
"kind": "OperationDefinition",
"operation": "query",
"name": {
"kind": "Name",
"value": "MyQuery"
"variableDefinitions": [],
"directives": [],
"selectionSet": { ... },
We want to parse in build procedure
Use TypeScript custom transformer
- Custom transformers invades TypeScript compilation
- Public TypeScript API. But not available with
- Public TypeScript API. But not available with
- ts-transform-graphql-tag
- It transforms
tagged template literals to GraphQL AST
- It transforms
Example: with ts-loader
const getTransformer = require("ts-transform-graphql-tag").getTransformer
const config = {
// ...
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.tsx?$/,
loader: "ts-loader",
options: {
// ... other loader"s options
getCustomTransformers: () => ({ before: [getTransformer()] })
// ...
3. Editor support
Language service plugin
- LS plugin extends TypeScript's functions for editors
- Configurable with tsconfig.json π
- You can customize editor behavior
- e.g. error checking, completion, etc...
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
"name": "ts-graphql-plugin",
"schema": "schema.json",
"tag": "gql"
"target": "es2015",
// ...
- Both TypeScript and GraphQL have static type system
- So developer experience depends on static analysis tools